We can provide back Pseudo translated files for testing purposes.
Request Headers
API requests are authenticated by the Bearer Token.
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Generate Pseudo translation
To generate a Pseudo translation you need to carry out the following steps:
- POST a file for Pseudo translation to https://sandbox.strakertranslations.com/v3/translate/file and receive a job key. See - Translate
- POST the job key to https://sandbox.strakertranslations.com/v3/translate/pseudotranslate
- GET the pseudo translations status by querying https://sandbox.strakertranslations.com/v3/translate/pseudotranslate/?job_key={job_key}
- If Pseudo translation is complete you will receive back the following response with a download URL:
"translated_file": [
"tl": "Pseudotranslation",
"download_url": "https://ibm-sandbox.strakertranslations.com/v1/translate/download?u={xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}"
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