- The channels on the current translation settings are now associated to their respective workspaces.
- Channels that are linked to the Enterprise will also be shown under Current Translation Settings as these belong to all workspaces.
- All channels will be surfaced in order from newest to oldest
In order to view the channels available on the Current Translation Settings Admin users should select through each of the workspaces available in the dropdown on the far top right side of the screen.
Channels are now paginated with a maximum of 5 channels with more available by selecting the 'Next' button.
You may also view the workspace that a channel belongs to by left clicking on the channel name selecting, 'View Channel Details'.
Enterprise Channels belonging to all workspaces
In order to disable the language settings for a channel, Admins can;
1. Type /straker translate in the message pane of the channel.
2. When the modal pops, under Language, remove the non-required languages and the language setting for the channel will be disabled.
3. To finalise go to Create
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