To remove the extension from Magento 2 there are a few steps to follow depending on how Magento 2 was installed. Follow the steps below to completely remove the Straker Translations extension and assets from Magento 2:
1. Disable extension
This will disable the extension from the Magento 2 environment
php bin/magento module:disable Straker_EasyTranslationPlatform --clear-static-content
2. Remove extension
Follow the option that corresponds to how you installed the extension
a. installed via Composer
composer remove strakertranslations/straker-magento2
b. installed via Marketplace/Github
rm -rf <Magento_Root>/app/code/Straker
3. Clean Up
This involves removing all Straker tables, records, files and folders
a. Table and Record Removal
DELETE FROM `<PRIFIX>_setup_module` WHERE `module` LIKE 'Straker%';
DELETE FROM `<PRIFIX>_core_config_data` WHERE `path` LIKE 'straker%';
DROP TABLE `<PRIFIX>_straker_attribute_option_translation`;
DROP TABLE `<PRIFIX>_straker_attribute_translation`;
DROP TABLE `<PRIFIX>_straker_job`;
DROP TABLE `<PRIFIX>_straker_job_status`;
DROP TABLE `<PRIFIX>_straker_job_type`;
b. File and Folder Removal
rm -rf var/straker
rm -rf var/log/straker.log
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean
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