Once the Experience Manager Application is installed, you can now begin to configure the connector in order to start submitting content for translation. You will need a Straker Access Token handy to fully configure the connector, if you do not already have one. You can get in contact with an account manager to have one provided to you. Make sure you have this before proceeding.
Step 1
Return to the front page and navigate to "Settings", then "Deployment" and select "Cloud Services". You should find a list of installed apps, the Straker Translations Connector will be among these apps. Navigate to this and click “Configure Now”
Step 2
This is where you will need to have your Straker Access Token. You should see two fields “Access Token” and “Mode”. Clicking “Edit” will allow you to edit these fields. You will need to copy and paste your Access Token key into the Access Token field and then select whether you want to be working in a sandbox or live environment.
The sandbox environment can be used to test submitting content without actually sending it through to our system for translation. Instead of receiving translations, you will receive back your content with Lorem Ipsum text. This is useful in ensuring that all assets you are intending to send are being translated.
The live environment will send content through to our translation platform where it will be translated and then reimported into AEM for you to use as necessary.
Step 3
Once the access token is entered and the type of environment you wish to work on has been selected, the connector is now fully configured and can be used within the AEM environment.
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