Section 1: Add S3 Bucket artefact information for Straker
1. Create a file in your repository called settings.xml (or modify the current one) in your AEM as a Cloud Service git repository. The path for this file should be .cloudmanager/maven /settings.xml
2. Add a straker-aem-repo with the AWS API keys given by Straker. The resulting file should look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<username>AAAAAAAA</username> <!-- Straker given AWS API key -->
<password>BBBBBBB</password> <!-- Straker given AWS API secret -->
<username>AAAAAAAA</username> <!-- Straker given AWS API key -->
<password>BBBBBBB</password> <!-- Straker given AWS API secret -->
4. In the same POM, add the following repository inside any profile that is activated by default (it can be added in the adobe-public profile):
<name>Straker S3 Repository - Release</name>
<name>Straker S3 Repository - Snapshots</name>
5. In the all POM (all/pom.xml), add the following segment inside the dependencies (substituting the correct {straker-version-number}):
6. Inside the same pom.xml (all/pom.xml), add the following snippet inside the <embedded>fort the filevault-maven-package-plugin artefact:
7. Commit all the changes to the branch and push the changes
8. The build for AEM as a Cloud Service can now be done.
Section 2 : Uploading filter Package
1. Navigate to {base_URL}/crx/packmgr/index.jsp
2. Click on “Upload Package”
3. Click on “Browse”
4. Choose “” from your file system and click “Open”.
5. Check “Force Upload” and Click “OK”
6. Wait for the uploading to end, then click on “Install”
7. Click “Install” on the next screen
8. Ensure package is installed and the filters exist.
Section 3: Adding permissions
1. Navigate tp “{base_URL}/security/permissions.html/principal”
2. Change the dropdown to Users
3. Search for “straker-service”. Click on it.
4. Click on “Add”, if no ACEs exist, or “Add ACE” if some exist.
5. Click on folder icon.
6. Check “Root” check box and click “Select”.
7. Type “read” in “Privileges” text box to bring up “jcr:read”, then click on it to choose it.
8. Make sure the “”Allow” is clicked instead of “Deny”. Click “Add”
9. Click “Add ACE”. Then click on folder icon.
10. Check the “/var/starker-tms” check box. Then click “Select”.
11. In the “Privileges” text box, type “all” to bring up “jcr:all”.
12. Select “jcr:all” . Make sure the “”Allow” is clicked instead of “Deny” and click “Add”.
13. Final screen of the permissions should have the two presently added permissions--
After compilation of these two sections, please wait for five minutes before proceeding with translation job creation/connector connection creation.
Section 4: Connector creation
1. Navigate to “{base_URL}/mnt/overlay/cq/translation/gui/content/cloudservices.html”
2. Under /Conf/Global, click on “Straker Connector” and click “Create”.
3. Give Title and Name as “Straker”. This can be anything that you desire(without spaces and special characters). Click “Create”.
4. Provide the Access Token and click on Live. Click “Save and Close” after that.
1 comment
Can I speak with CEO of the company please who's in charge here please ?
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